How do compressed coconut substrates compare to non-compressed substrates?

Coconut substrates are available in a number of different formats, although, we have designed UGro COCO in different formats and different high-quality structures to allow you to transport your substrates in small or large quantities. Quality, not quantity is the key to UGro COCO coconut substrate range.

Compressed coconut substrates such as Plug, Cube, Small, XL, Pot and Slab are all high-quality, compressed eco coconut substrates with excellent water retention, airing properties, low EC levels, no pathogens or other impurities. The driving force behind our compressed UGro COCO range is the mathematical compression process which allows us to reduce the size of the coconut particles for ease of transportation.

Let’s compare

  • Compressed coconut substrates allow you to transport high volumes of high-quality growing medium with ease of transportation.
  • Compressed coconut substrate can be made-to-measure in our UGro LAB by collaborating with us to make you a bespoke substrate and packing format.
  • Compressed coconut substrate can be reused time and time again. Over time, the substrate will decrease in quality affecting the oxygenation of your plant root.
  • Compressed coconut substrate that being, UGro COCO is rigorously controlled to achieve optimal absorption while keeping the pH level stable.
  • Compressed coconut substrates are compressed using granulometry (morphology) which mathematically reduces the size of coconut particles, which can cause poor aeration of the root system due to excess water in the medium.

Now, let’s take a look at non-compressed coconut substrates.

  • Non-compressed coconut substrates such as UGro Pure Professional Air and UGro Pure Professional Air Max are premium coconut substrates that facilitate faster root development
  • Non-compressed coconut substrate has less resistance to root growth
  • Non-compressed coconut substrates have excellent aeration and little water retention to allow you to irrigate more frequently for improved planting results.
  • So, after taking a closer look at compressed and non-compressed coconut substrates you will hopefully understand the differences between the two substrates and have a clearer understanding before you head across to the shop.

Depending upon what you are growing and how much crop you aim to yield, will depend upon what UGro COCO substrate you will buy and what volume to buy.

If you have any technical growing questions check out our FAQ (frequently asked questions).

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