Rhiza1200, 500g rooting powder

A fast-acting, root-system-architecture powder that accelerates plant growth and development and enhances the accumulation of valuable molecules in your plant. The active ingredient, Rhizophagus irregularis (1200 cfu/g) in Rhiza1200 significantly accelerates root-system-architecture, the shoot & root biomass and it starts working in 24-hours. Format – 500 g.

SKU: UBER300-1-1 Categories: , Tag:

Product details

  • 500 g / 1.1 lb
  • Store in a dry and cool place.
  • Product registered in spain F0005022/2032

User guide

The active ingredient in Rhiza1200, Rhizophagus irregularis (1200 cfu/g) generates an increase in root architecture and enhances biomass. It is a product that activates in 24 hours.

  • Add 1 gram per 5 liters of water, or add 1 gram per plant to the substrate when transplanting.
  • It is recommended to use mycorrhizae alone, without adding anything else to irrigation.



  • Once the seed has germinated and before planting, immerse the plug/plugin in a solution of 0.5 g of UGro Rhiza per liter of water for 1 minute.
  • Then apply UGro Rhiza via irrigation 15 days after.


  • Make a cross cut to the cutting.
  • Dip the cut in rooting hormones.
  • Dip the cut in UGro Rhiza powder.
  • One week later apply on the plugs/plugins a UGro Rhiza solution of 0.5 gr per liter of water.


Peat application

  • Apply 0.5 g of UGro Rhiza underneath the root of the plant.
  • Apply via irrigation at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

Coconut substrate application

  • Apply 0.5 g of UGro Rhiza underneath the root of the plant.
  • Apply via irrigation at intervals of 4-6 weeks.